Skills for Sustainability QQI Level 4
Successfully dealing with change in today’s world is now more important than ever. This pandemic has shown that we can change the way we live. It shows us we are all dependent on each other and that our actions impact the people and the world around us. We want our learners to be part of creating a better and more sustainable future for themselves and their communities.
Our ‘Skills for Sustainability’ Local Training Initiative is all about learning, taking actions and making change. If you want to be part of the change, please consider enrolling. Check out our brochure here
Our Skills for Sustainability LTI is funded by Cork Education & Training Board. It is a 48-week course (30 hours per week).
Modules include:
Information Technology Skills
Food and Nutrition
Graphic Design
Entrepreneurial skills
Work Experience
Who can apply?
Anyone who is in receipt of a Department of Social Welfare payment.
How to apply?
We are currently taking applications for this course. This course will begin in June 2021. Please contact Dawn or Diarmuid for more information 021 422 8101.
Here at NCE we place huge emphasis on personal progression. We work closely with trainees and employers to assist progression onto employment. Many of our trainees have progressed onto full and part-time employment as a result of their work experience. Many others have returned to training and education.
QQI Level 4 award in General Learning

Contact Us Today
T : + 353 21 4228100
Education & Training Campus, Redemption Rd, Farranferris, Co.Cork, Ireland